SMA Alumni Association (SMAAA) Board Minutes
Tuesday, October 7, 2003
The meeting was called by Bill Kearns, President asking for Roll Call.
Bill Kearns, President
Dave Litzenburg, Vice President
Gene Ehmann, Secretary
Brocky Nicely
Don Tobin
Tom Phillips
Jack Dalbo
Stu Smith
John Hooser
John Lucy
Jack Lowe
Tom Davis, Treasurer
Mark Orr, Webmaster
Motion was made to accept the April 5, 2003 Board Minutes. There was no discussion or issues raised. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Tom Davis,Treasurer could not attend due to a prior commitment. Bill Kearns
gave the report with information provided by Tom.
The Fiscal Year was completed with a balance of $26,450.80
Petty Cash $100.00
Dues $22,670.00
Cadet Store Sales: $3,175.70
Reunion Fees: $6,205.00
Academic Records: $50.00
Interest: $236.28
Leading to a gross revenue of $32,336.98
The total expense was $25,518.38 leaving the Association with positive cash flow of $3,702.52
There is still one outstanding issue, a capitalized item. There will be a net income after this is sorted out with the CPA.
There were no legal issues to discuss.
Tom Phillips felt that everyone enjoyed the April time frame and stated that the 2004 Reunion would once again be held in April (April 2nd, 3rd, and 4th). His report included a tentative schedule:
Friday (April 2nd)
-Parade by the VWIL Cadets
-Wreath Laying Ceremony (museum)
-Class of 1969 has funded a Friday night dance with the group “Bill Deal and the Rondells”
-Looking into a possible BBQ for that night
There is a possible scheduling problem with Mary Baldwin College as this is the same weekend they are installing their new President. This is being worked out with General Bissell in hopes it can be resolved in our favor.
Saturday (April 3rd)
-Annual Meeting
-Wreath Laying Ceremony (cemetery)
-Banquet (Holiday Inn) with a “Roast the Wease Ceremony”
Bill Kearns opened the discussion on Fishburne’s request for help from SMA’s Alumni on the Chair for Col. Robert Wease. It was his feeling that “our” obligation is to the Staunton Military Academy’s Alumni Association in support of the VWIL Program and other commitments which had already been made. To this Dave Litzenburg agreed by pointing out a need to make the net profit bigger to cover the Associations’ obligations. There was further discussion on this with Stu Smith reminding the Board that the issue of the Wease Chair had been brought up a couple years ago and those who wished had probably contributed at that time. John Lucy was in agreement and felt that the group who carries the SMA flag is the one who should have the Alumni’s long term support.
At the discussion’s end, Bill Kearns made a motion to contact Fishburne stating that, although the Board supports the effort and understands their desire to honor Col. Wease, they were not going to do another round of asking SMA’s Alumni to contribute. Bill’s motion was unanimously approved.
Gene Ehmann gave a report on the progress which had been made on the Scholarship Fund Drive.
l. Tentative plans to kick off everything monetarily by the first of the year
2. The goal is to have the wheels in motion financially when the Board meets in April.
3. Would like to have a number of lead alumni come up with some matching funds to generate some interest for the general public.
4. Dave Litzenburg offered the use of the data base as a means of getting in touch with the alumni as it is updated daily.
5. Will not do a blanket mailing at first. A more personal approach is planned January through March 31st.
6. A possible blanket mailing with Board approval in April.
Bill Kearns suggested that the 2003 Reunion pictures be placed in the upcoming Kablegram by adding pages just for them. He offered to fund the extra pages if need be. Dave Litzenburg was in agreement stating that the addition of those pages would not be costly.
Dave made a request to have all the information needed for the upcoming Kablegram in his hands by the last day of October. This was agreed upon.
The Kablegram is scheduled for release in November with the next one coming in February.
Before closing, Stu Smith inquired as to when the next Board Meeting was planned. He suggested a meeting in February to discuss the progress being made on the projects discussed during this Board Meeting. A conference call
was planned (the date to be decided later).
As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M.