July 2004 – Board Minutes

SMA Alumni Association (SMAAA) Board Minutes
Thursday, July 15, 2004


1. The meeting was called to order by C. David Litzenburg, Vice President, at 7:01 p.m. on Thursday, July 15, 2004 by teleconference.




Thomas A. Davis, SMA ’62 – Treasurer
Thomas E. B. Phillips, SMA ’74
Eugene K. Ehmann, SMA ’74 – Secretary
Donald W. Tobin, SMA ’70
C. David Litzenburg, SMA `58 – VP
Brocky A. Nicely, SMA ’65
Stuart P. Smith, SMA ’48
John C. Lucy, III, SMA ’76
Dominick A. (Jack) Dalbo, SMA ’68
Douglas A. Marsh, SMA ’58
Simon M. Painter, Jr., SMA ’58 (Board member as of September 1, 2004)
Dr. Wilfred Webb, Jr., SMA ’61 (Board member as of September 1, 2004)
Edmund A. Smith, SMA ’76 (Board member as of September 1, 2004)




      Mark J. Orr, SMA ’73
John H. (Jack) Lowe, SMA ’49
John Hooser, Jr. SMA ’73
William J. Kearns, SMA ’74 – President
Harry W. Bruckno, SMA `62


Reading of the April 2004 SMAAA Board Minutes was waived and the Minutes as published were unanimously accepted.




     a. TREASURER’S REPORT (as of 30 June 2004):


SMA Alumni Association, Inc.: Total current assets of the SMA Alumni Association are $35,720.34, including $29,730.50 in cash, $100.00 in petty cash, $3,371.00 in property and equipment and $2,518.84 in marketing inventory. Current liabilities include $400.54. Revenue year-to-date as of June 30 was $37,926.77, up from $31,612.21 on the same date in 2003.  Kablegram expenses for the ten months ended June 30, 2004 were $8,962.21, up $4,140.85 from the same period in 2003. Reunion expenses were also up from the same period in 2003. Both increases were related to larger issues of The Kablegram and to increased reunion attendance. Net income for the period ended June 30, 2004 was $585.81 compared with $5,778.21 in the same period in 2003.
SMA Foundation, Inc.: The SMA Foundation has total assets of $259,212.58 as of June 30, 2004. Net income for the period for the SMA Foundation was $27,338.74. Any member of the Board of Directors wishing a detailed copy of the financial report should contact the SMA Alumni Office and one will be mailed to them.




The status of the SMA-VWIL Initiative was reported, with $37,908 received, of which $30,000 has been presented to the Virginia Women’s Institute for Leadership. The goal for the 2004-2005 year is $50,000.




Edmund Smith, SMA ’76, volunteered to be involved in development of marketing items for sale in the Cadet Store. He also asked that digital images used by the SMA Alumni Association be forwarded to him for his use in creating new items.
The April 1, 2005 reunion barbecue was discussed with regard to several alumnus complaints about the lack of an alternative menu. It was recommended and approved that the menu be split to provide barbecue chicken as well as barbecue pork, and this change will be reflected in any promotional announcements prior to the 2005 reunion. Arlene Nicely, Alumni Secretary was asked to contact the vendor and make the appropriate arrangements.
Stuart Smith, SMA ’48, noted that the “Open Letter to SMA Alumni” (by U.S. Army Lt. O’Connell, VWIL graduate) published in the July issue of The Kablegram, was a powerful message, and asked if there was some way to make this document available to the members of the Virginia Legislature who vote on the VWIL budget annually. He also suggested that the letter should get some press coverage. Thomas E. B. Phillips, SMA ’74, volunteered to handle both tasks.
Edmund Smith, SMA ’76 suggested that the association establish a forum on the web site to provide an opportunity for alumni communication. Discussion followed and Mr. Smith was asked to make direct contact with Mark J. Orr, SMA ’73, SMAAA web master, and see what options could be developed.
There was discussion regarding the proposal by Brocky A. Nicely, SMA ’65 that lettering be placed on the Coalter Street side of the SMA-VWIL Museum, over the eagle display. Several options had been developed. The cost of plastic letters will be $250.00, and the installation charge will be $250.00. The Board of Directors agreed by voice vote to proceed with the plan, pending approval from Mary Baldwin College and the Virginia Women’s Institute for Leadership. Copies of both proposed layouts will be sent to all board members for review and comment.


7. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m