SMA Alumni Association (SMAAA) Board Minutes
Friday, July 26, 2002
1. The meeting was called to order by Tom Phillips, President, at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, July 26, 2002. Location – Holiday Inn Conference and Golf Center, Staunton, Virginia.
Board members present:

Tom E. Phillips, `74 – President
Stuart P. Smith, `48 – Vice President
Mark J. Orr, `73 – Secretary
Tom A. Davis, `62 – Treasurer
Alvan Arnall, `56
Jack Dalbo, `68
John Hooser, `73
Bill J. Kearns, `74
Gene K. Ehmann, `74
Bill A. Leeman, `50
Don W. Tobin, `70

– Also attending:

John Lucy, `76
John Nolde, `63
Board members not present:

Fred C. Burner, `68
Brocky Nicely, `65
Bob Parrino, `75
Kit A. Regone, `64

2. The April 12, 2002 SMAAA Board Minutes were reviewed and unanimously accepted.

3. Treasurers Report – Tom Davis

a. The Treasurer reviewed the financial reports for both the SMA Alumni Association, Inc. and the SMA Foundation, Inc. Both reports will be posted on the SMAAA web site. In general, the Treasurer reports that this is the best financial health he has ever seen for the Association. Highlights from each report were summarized as follows:

b. As of 26 July, there are 575 dues paying members of the SMAAA.

4. Committee Reports

a. Memorabilia & Inventory – Jack Dalbo, `68

b. Annual Fund/Fundraising – Bill Leeman, `50

c. Finance – Alvan Arnall, `56

d. Legal – Tom Phillips, `74

e. Annual Meeting/Reunion – Tom Phillips, `74

f. Museum – Brocky Nicely, `65

g. Web Site – Mark Orr, `73

h. Scholarship – Stu Smith, `48

i. Nominating Committee – Bill Leeman

1) Alvan Arnall, `56 (2 year term)

2) Mark Orr, ’73 (1 year term)

3) Tom Phillips, `74 (Past President)

4) New Board members (3 year terms):

(a) Dave Litzenburg, ’58 (Vice President)

(b) Jack Lowe, ’49 (Museum Committee)

(c) John Lucy, `76

5. Old Business

6. New Business

7. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.