July 2002 – Board Minutes

SMA Alumni Association (SMAAA) Board Minutes
Saturday, July 27, 2002


1. The meeting was called to order by Tom Phillips, President, at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 27, 2002.  Location – Holiday Inn Conference and Golf Center, Staunton, Virginia.
Board members present:
Tom E. Phillips, `74 – President
Stuart P. Smith, `48 – Vice President
Mark J. Orr, `73 – Secretary
Tom A. Davis, `62 – Treasurer
Alvan Arnall, `56
Jack Dalbo, `68
John Hooser, `73
Bill J. Kearns, `74
Gene K. Ehmann, `74
Bill A. Leeman, `50
Don W. Tobin, `70


Board members not present:
Fred C. Burner, `68
Brocky Nicely, `65
Bob Parrino, `75
Kit A. Regone, `64
2. The April SMAAA Board Minutes were reviewed and unanimously accepted. The meeting proceeded with the Treasurer’s Report first as Tom Davis had another meeting to attend.
3. Treasurers Report – Tom Davis, `62
a. The Treasurer reviewed the financial reports for both the SMA Alumni Association, Inc. and the SMA Foundation, Inc.  Both reports will be posted on the SMAAA web site.  In general, the Treasurer reports that this is the best financial health he has ever seen for the Association.  Highlights from each report were summarized as follows:
SMA Alumni Association, Inc. – There is currently a balance of $22K in the bank, which is attributed to results of the appeal letter sent to every alumnus requesting their financial support by paying dues.
SMA Foundation, Inc. – The remaining funds in the restricted account (originally created for school reestablishment) are being moved over to the unrestricted account.  The remaining funds ($3K) in the Endowment account are being moved over to the Scholarship account to increase the amount and help reach the goals of first $25K and then $50K. Museum account reflects those remaining restricted funds, which have not been spent yet. Stock – plan is to hold donated GE stock until a better rate to sell is reached.  Scholarship fund – want to grow to $50K to self-sustain.  The SMAAA currently awards a VWIL cadet with a $1K scholarship annually. Annual fund is ahead of schedule from comparison to last year’s income.
b. Larry Perkins, `51 made a request that the financial reports begin to include an accounting of the value of the SMA-VWIL Museum assets & property.  The Treasurer agreed to this request.
4. Presidents Report
a. The President indicated that Brocky Nicely was missing; however, as the Museum curator he was busy today preparing for the days events. The President reported that Brocky was a great guy running things at the museum.
b. The SMA-VWIL Museum has proved to be a great success. We are getting good visitor traffic, with stray alums steadily dropping in now that we have a presence on the Hill and can be found. Lots of donated items are being provided. The Cadet Store sales are active and providing another income source. Also, the VWIL corps helps staffs the museum during operating hours.
c. The SMAAA and VWIL relationship status is excellent!  This is definitely a team effort.
d. The SMAAA and MBC relationship status is excellent! Bob Parrino, ’75, is going to be on MBC Advisory Board of Visitors.
e. Plans are still underway to consolidate the SMA Alumni Assn & SMA Foundation corporations into a single, 401(c)3 tax-exempt corporation. Tom Phillips, ’74 and Tom Davis, ’62 are working this with the lawyer and keep us posted.
f. Overall things are good.  Appreciate the support.  
5. Committee Reports
a. Scholarship – Stu Smith, `48
John Nolde, `63, has donated $1K as a  challenge to the other alumni attending the reunion to match it to help increase the Scholarship fund balance.
Hunter Henry, ’46, announced that there are two $50K scholarship endowments ($2500 annual scholarship awards) available to SMA’ers (relatives of alumni, faculty or staff) that attend MBC.
b. Museum – NTR     
All are invited to visit the museum before the Memorial Wall dedication ceremony and afterwards.
c. Web Site/Comms – Mark Orr, `74
The SMAAA web site went online in December 2001.  We have received a lot of favorable feedback from alumni, especially those that found it by accident and as a result were reconnected with the SMAAA.  This is becoming a key communications mechanism for new registrations and alumni address updates. The online Email Directory has grown substantially and it is one of the more popular pages as it provides a quick means to contact a former classmate/friend from SMA.
After the reunion, photos and links to photos taken by other alumni and posted on their web sites will be available.
Comments/suggestions on other things alumni would like on the web site should be submitted to Mark Orr, ’73, webmaster.
d. Annual Meeting/Reunion – Tom Phillips, `74
Next years annual reunion is scheduled for April 4-6, 2003.  This will include a Pass-in-Review Parade by the VWIL Corps in honor of the SMA alumni.
We will also continue the tradition of the Kable wreath laying ceremony.
e. Alumni Relations – Gene Ehmann, `74
Gene initiated a round-the-room introductions as part of the meeting, which everyone seemed to enjoy.  It provided some commonality amongst the various decades of alumni attending the reunion and opportunity for follow-up conversations later. It was agreed that this should continue at future reunions.
Kim Boyd, `xx, requested that a list of reunion attendees, with addresses, be made available to all those attending the reunion.  The Board agreed with the request – ACTION: SMA Office Manager
It was recognized that Ike KivlingtonKivlighan ’29, was the oldest alumnus attending the reunion.
f. Nominating Committee – Bill Leeman, `50
The SMAAA and Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of 15 members.  Seven are leaving – 6 due expiration of term and 1 due to resignation.
The nominating committee identified the following candidates for Board membership and all have accepted:
1) Alvan Arnall, `56 (2 year term)
2) Mark Orr, ’73 (1 year term)
3) Tom Phillips, `74 (Past President)
4) New Board members (3 year terms):
(a) Dave Litzenburg, ’58 (new Vice President)
(b) Jack Lowe, ’49 (Museum Committee)
(c) John Lucy, `76
6. Unfinished Business
7. New Business
a. Colonel Robert Wease Endowed Chair Project
Mark Orr provided an overview of this project. In conjunction with the FMAAA and FMS, the SMAAA is participating in this joint fund-raising project in honor of a former SMA teacher.  The goal is to raise $1M by April of 2003 to establish as endowed chair at FMS in honor of Colonel Wease.  A brochure and cover letter will be sent to every SMA alum I from the class years 1956-1976 (the years Colonel Wease taught at SMA).  It is hoped that every alumni that had the experience of having Colonel Wease as a teacher will help support this fund-raising project.
b. SMA Alumni Association Directory
The Board has authorized Harris Publishing to develop and provide (for sale) an updated SMAAA Directory.  Everyone should have already been contacted for information updates.  Dave Litzenburg, `58, has been helping with text and pictures for the Directory. The Directory should be available to alumni for purchase by early next year.
c. Anniversary Contact