S.M.A. Alumni Association Inc. Board of Directors Meeting
July 27, 2001, in Staunton Virginia
- Board members participating:
Thomas E. B. Phillips, President
Stuart P. Smith, Vice President
Robert Parrino, Secretary-Treasurer
Alvan S. Arnall
Dominick A. Dalbo
Thomas A. Davis
Eugene K. Ehmann
William A. Leeman
Mark J. Orr
Donald W. Tobin
- Others attending:
Fred C. Thompson, Executive Director, S.M.A. Alumni Association
Doris Thompson, Alumni Secretary
Hunter Henry, SMA ’46
- Board members not participating:
Cyril B. Aaron
Frederick C. Burner
William J. Kearns
Lawrence N. Marks
President Phillips called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. EST.
The following items were discussed and disposed of in the reported manner.
The minutes of the March 30, 2001, Board meeting were approved as submitted to the directors.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Davis reviewed the financial reports of the Association and Foundation.
In a discussion of the financial health of the association, Tom Davis noted that the Association owes money to the foundation for the first time. While membership dues and reunion income are ahead of last year to date, the Association has lost $9,138.70 (roughly the same as year). Tom noted that this is not a sustainable situation. This was followed by a discussion of 1) getting more people to pay their dues, 2) altering the dues structure, 3) reducing costs, and/or 4) expanding the activities of the Association to attract additional participation. An anonymous donor has offered to match 1st year dues of any new members recruited, with the funds to be contributed to the Foundation. Board voted to accept the offer.
Alvan Arnall made a motion to authorize the President and Treasurer to examine the feasibility/advisability of eliminating all but one newsletter per year to non-dues paying members and to make a decision relating to such. The motion also allowed the staff to make exceptions as appropriate in their judgments. The motion passed.
Tom Davis discussed the Foundation Balance sheet. He noted that $2,872.17 is still in the restricted account and that numerous attempts to contact the donors of these funds have been unsuccessful. Alvan made a motion to remove the restrictions on $2,872.17 and the motion was passed. With respect to other accounts, there is $61,452.21 in the Foundation, excluding the 369 shares of GE stock, the scholarship account currently totals $7,469.21, and the brick fund has $200.11.
On the Foundation income statement, unrestricted contributions are ahead of last year ($7,480.00 vs. $7,005.91). There was a discussion of reclassifying certain Foundation accounts to better reflect their nature. For example, the bust of MAJ Howie has been expensed, but not listed as an asset. Tom Davis said that he would work with the Foundation’s accountant to accomplish this. Tom also noted that 18 bricks have been sold thus far, raising approximately $900.
The Board approved the Treasurer’s report as submitted.
Executive Director’s Report: Fred Thompson reported on the Alumni Office move to the new facilities at Mary Baldwin College. The cost of the move was approximately $500. The move will save approximately $3,000 per year in energy costs. The moving costs were paid from the museum funds account. Eugene Ehmann stated that “the Class of ’74” will cover the direct costs of the move.
Reunion: Tom Phillips noted that there will be a wreath-laying ceremony at the grave of Capt. Kable this year during the reunion. The speaker at reunion will be Mal Livick, the retired Superintendent of Augusta Military Academy.
Memorabilia and Inventory: Stuart Smith discussed some of the memorabilia that has been transferred to the museum and ongoing efforts to organize and arrange for the storage of the memorabilia and eliminating the need for the rented storage facility.
Annual Fund/Fundraising: The board discussed various means of raising additional funds. Bill Leeman will explore the possibility of holding a regional SMA Alumni meeting in the Washington area in the fall.
Finance: No discussion.
Scholarship Committee: The scholarship was awarded in the Spring. There has been no subsequent activity.
SMA-VWIL Museum: Mark Orr discussed the financial situation of the museum project. More money has been raised than has been spent to date. Mark agreed to post an overview of the project situation on the Web site. The centerpiece plaque for the memorial wall will not be available before January or February of next year due to production problems. Therefore, the Memorial Wall will not be completed before then.
Nominating Committee Report: Eugene Ehmann and Donald Tobin will lead the nominating committee this year.
Unfinished Business:
- The Board approved revisions to Article 1 of the S.M.A. Foundation, Inc. Bylaws.
- The Board approved the new appeals for giving to the Association and Foundation that will be printed in future newsletters.
- The Board discussed a review of insurance policies for the Association and Foundation.
New Business:
- The board discussed the possibility of holding the annual reunion at another time each year. Tom Phillips suggested holding the reunion during the weekend beginning Friday, April 12th, which would coincide with a VWIL parade and other activities. Alvan Arnall suggested necessary changes in the Association Bylaws that will be presented to the membership for their approval on July 28, 2001. The board approved these changes.
- Tom Davis proposed that the Association purchase bricks for Col. Bissell, President Tyson, Dr Bryant, and Allen Martin. The motion passed.
There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 11:38 a.m. EST.
Robert Parrino