July 2001 – Board Minutes


S.M.A. Alumni Association Inc. General Membership Meeting

July 28, 2001, in Staunton Virginia

President Phillips called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. EDT.

The following items were discussed and disposed of in the reported manner.

The minutes of the 2000 annual membership meeting were approved as submitted to the members attending.

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Davis reviewed the financial reports of the Association and Foundation. He stressed that the Association cash flow is inadequate to cover ongoing expenses and described a pledge by anonymous donor to match dues from new members. Tom also reviewed the financials of the Foundation and concluded that the financial condition of the foundation is sound. As of July 26, 2001, the cash balance in the museum fund was approximately $40,000. The attending members approved the Treasurer’s report.

Executive Director’s Report: Fred Thompson reported on the Alumni Office move to the new facilities at Mary Baldwin College. The cost of the move was approximately $500. Eugene Ehmann has offered to cover the cost of the move.

The insurance coverage for the Association and Foundation was switched to another carrier. The policy now includes liability coverage for officers and directors.

Fred stressed the importance of ensuring that sufficient funds will be available to cover operating costs of the Association in the future.

SMA-VWIL Museum: Mark Orr discussed the museum project and thanked all of those who contributed to the project. Total project costs totaled $178,603.57, excluding the costs of reproducing the original eagle from over North Barrack, the Howie bust from outside Kable Hall and the cost of the Memorial Wall. Mark noted that he expects the Memorial Wall to be completed in January or February when the centerpiece plaque is received.

Total spending on the museum project has totaled about $230,000, including $25,000 that has been set aside to fund three plaques a year (This $25,000 was included in the $40,000 figure cited by Tom Davis).

Nominating Committee: Eugene Ehmann reported on the nominations for new Directors and nominations were solicited from the members at the meeting. The members approved the following board:

  • 1-year term: Alvin Arnall, Jack Dalbo, Robert Parrino, Fred Burner, Mark Orr, Tom Phillips2-year term: Eugene Ehmann, William Kearns, William Leeman, Stuart Smith, Donald Tobin

    3-year term: Thomas Davis, Kit Regoni, Brockey Nicely, John Hooser

New Items: Alvan Arnall proposed that Paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the By-Laws of the Association be restated to read as follows. “The annual meeting of the members of this organization shall be held on such day or days, time and place within the state of Virginia as shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.” This proposal was passed

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 09:55 a.m. EDT.

Robert Parrino
