S.M.A. Alumni Association Inc. Board of Directors Meeting
July 27, 2001, in Staunton Virginia
- Board members participating:
Thomas E.B. Phillips, President
Stuart P. Smith, Vice President
Robert Parrino, Secretary-Treasurer
Alvan S. Arnall
Dominick A. Dalbo
Thomas A. Davis
Eugene K. Ehmann
William A. Leeman
Brockey Nicely
Mark J. Orr
Kitt Regoni
Donald W. Tobin
- Others attending:
Fred C. Thompson, Executive Director, S.M.A. Alumni Association
- Board members not participating:
Frederick C. Burner
William J. Kearns
Brocky Nicely
President Phillips called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. EDT.
The following items were discussed and disposed of in the reported manner.
The following officers were elected:
Tom Phillips – President
Stuart Smith – Vice President
Mark Orr – Secretary
Tom Davis – TreasurerOctober 12, 2001 was selected as the date for the next board meeting.
The board discussed the challenges of replacing Fred and Doris Thompson when they retire.
Mark Orr discussed potential changes to the Association web site.
Alvan Arnall suggested that the board study the feasibility of collapsing the Association into the Foundation to simplify the accounting and operation of the organization
There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. EDT.
Robert Parrino