April 2007 – Member Minutes

SMA Alumni Association (SMAAA) Annual Member Meeting Minutes
Saturday, April 14, 2007
The meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m. by Dave Litzenburg, President. There were 47 alumni in attendance.
Minutes were unavailable.


Tom Davis presented a report summarizes association and foundation financials as of March 31, 2007 (see attachment). Motion to accept was approved unanimously.


President Litzenburg noted the record attendance at the reunion (140 alumni) and showed attendees the front-page coverage of reunion activities in the Staunton News-Leader newspaper. He also announced the dates of the 2008 reunion (April 11-13)
He commended VWIL Cadet  Deborah Durbin for the display of Major Thomas Howie that she prepared for the SMA-VWIL Museum as part of an internship. He also announced that, beginning in the fall, all new cadets would be required to stop and salute the Howie bust when passing Kable Hall.


Regarding the SMA Scholarship Fund, Mr. Litzenburg said the alumni were close to reaching the goal of $50,000 in the fund. Subsequent donations and pledges from alumni in attendance enabled the goal to be met.


There were no committee reports.


Vice President Harry Bruckno addressed attendees and reiterated the need for alumni involvement in the association.


Board Member Bill Kearns addressed attendees to reiterate the commitment the association had made to support the VWIL Initiative. He received a unanimous vote of affirmation from the attendees.




Nominations for the 2007-2008 Board of Directors were nominated and approved unanimously. Reelected to three-year terms were: Ed Smith, Harry Bruckno, Simon Painter, Tom Davis and Jack Dalbo. Newly elected to three-year terms were Julian Lake, Peter Worth, Larry Atkinson, Burdett Holmes, Bob Parker and ?, bringing board membership to the maximum number of 21.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m.