April 2006 – Board Minutes

SMA Alumni Association (SMAAA) Board Minutes
Saturday, April 7, 2006
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by C. David Litzenburg, President, asking for Roll Call.
C. David Litzenburg, SMA ’58                              Thomas A. Davis, SMA `62
John H. “Jack” Lowe, SMA ’49                             Craig Hansen, SMA ’74
Thomas E. B. Phillips, SMA ’74                           Harry W. Bruckno, SMA ’62
John H. Dalbo, SMA ’68                                        Edmund A. Smith, SMA ’76
G. Richard Staunch, SMA ’61                               Stuart P. Smith, SMA ’48
Simon M. Painter, Jr., SMA ’58


     G. Richard Staunch, SMA ’61          
     William J. Kearns, SMA ’74                                   Stuart P. Smith, SMA ’48
     Mark J. Orr, SMA ’73                                              John W. Hooser, SMA `73
     Brocky A. Nicely, SMA ’65                                    Dr. Wilfred Webb, SMA ’61
     Eugene K. Ehmann, SMA ’74


     Motion was made to accept the dateYear2005Day1Month4April 1, 2005 meeting minutes. There was no discussion or issues raised. The minutes were unanimously approved.


     The Museum Committee reported that many artifacts have been received and cataloged. Brig. Gen. Bissell, VWIL Commandant, address the Board of Directors and reported that the expansion of the museum has been approved by Mary Baldwin College. He detailed the areas available for expansion and pledged to be involved.


     Those nominated for re-election were:
     C. David Litzenburg, SMA ’58
     William J. Kearns, SMA ’74
     Eugene K. Ehmann, SMA ’74
     Thomas E. B. Phillips, SMA `74
     Two new members were nominated:
     Lee W. Lawrence, SMA ’56
     William K. Bissett, SMA ’74


     It was noted that there had been an error in the recording of the designated terms of office. This error was corrected in January 2006 by extension of the terms to three years for:


     Dr. Wilfred Webb, SMA ’61
     Simon M. Painter, Jr. SMA ’58
     Harry W. Bruckno, SMA ’62
     Dominic “Jack” Dalbo, SMA ’68
     John W. Hooser, SMA ’73 (resigned prior to the 2006 meeting)
     Stuart P. Smith, SMA ’48
     Donald W. Tobin, SMA ’70 (resigned prior to the 2006 meeting)


All nominations were approved for presentation at the annual business meeting on April 8, 2006.


     Thomas A. Davis presented a detailed Treasurer’s Report and the details were accepted. The report will be posted on the website and piblished in The Kablegram.


There were no legal issues to discuss.


     A total of 92 alumni will attend the 2006 reunion. Other details had been reported prior to the board meeting.


•     Scholarship Fund: The SMA Alumni Association Leadership Scholarship Fund was discussed and it was decided that the program would be promoted throughout 2006 in an effort to raise the fund to the $50,000  level so that it will be a perpetual $2,500 award.




•     John W. Hooser, SMA `73 resigned from the Board of Directors. His resignation was accepted with regret.


•     Donald Tobin, SMA `70 asked that he be relieved of Board of Directors responsibilities due to health issues. The resignation was accepted with regret.


•     Stuart Smith, SMA ’48 has indicated that he will retire from the Board of Directors at the conclusion of his term on August 31, 2006.


•     Alvan Arnall Scholarship: Sponsored by Alvan Arnall, SMA ’56, the scholarship in the amount of $2,500 will be awarded at the SMA-VWIL Parade to Cadet Laura Dean in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Class of 1956.


•     Kablegram: It was determined that four ( 4) issues of The Kablegram would be published between April 8, 2006 and April 7, 2007. Mailing from Charlottesville (Mailing Services of Virginia) is about the same cost and much better service than Fairfax Mailing.
It was noted that the newsletter is the most effective means of communication between the association and the membership.


•     Combined AMA/SMA Reunion in 2007 to coincide with Stuart Hall. It was decided that the 2007 reunion would be coordinated for the same weekend, if possible. The date of the 2007 reunion was tentatively set for April 13-14, 2007.


•     The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors was restructured for the 2006-2007 year:


     President:               C. David Litzenburg, SMA `58
     Vice President:     Harry W. Bruckno, SMA ’62
     Secretary:               Thomas E. B. Phillips, SMA ’74
     Treasurer:               Thomas A. Davis, SMA `62


     Permanent committee chairman are also on the Executive Committee.
     Stuart Smith, SMA ’48 was convinced to continue serving on the Board of Directors.


     The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.