April 2005 – Board Minutes

SMA Alumni Association (SMAAA) Board Minutes
Saturday, April 2, 2005


Minutes of the SMAAA Annual Business Meeting – Saturday, April 2, 2005


1.      C. David Litzenburg, SMA ’58, President, called the meeting to order with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance by the 61 members which were present. The minutes from the last SMA Alumni Association business meeting (April 2004) were unanimously accepted as published.




     The Treasurers Report reflecting the finances of the SMA Alumni Association and the SMA Foundation through March 2005 was reviewed by Thomas A. Davis, Treasurer.


The SMA Foundation has total current assets of $89,301.34 and net fixed assets of $154,780.26 for total assets of$249,866.60. Total Foundation revenue as of March 31, 2005 was $20,931.71 against total expenses of $4,743.77, for a net income of $15,588.39.     


The SMA Alumni Association assets as of March 31, 2005 total $43,284.41, including $32,228.57 in cash, $2,518.84 in marketing inventory, and $100.00 in petty cash. Total current liabilities as of March 31, 2005 were $122.57 in payroll withholding. Revenue as of March 31, 2005 was $29,741.17, including $19,150.00 in dues payments, $2,167.10 in Cadet Store sales, $8,318.82 in reunion revenue, and $105.25 in interest income. Total expenses as of March 31, 2005 were $19,041.75, including $2,541.01 for wages, $1,254.09 for accounting, $2,030.00 for data entry, and $9,012.86 for publication of The Kablegram, $2,119.72 for postage. Net income as of March 31, 2005 was $6,516.81.


     The Treasurer’s Report was accepted by unanimous vote.




a. Report by Brocky A. Nicely, SMA ’65, Museum Curator: Mr. Nicely reported that the museum continues to need mannequins and that visitation continues to be steady. Staffing, he reported, is a problem in the summer months when the Virginia Women’s Institute for Leadership (VWIL) is not in session. He encouraged local alumni to make themselves available to open the museum during times when VWIL staffing is not available.


b. The problem of water leakage into the museum during rain and snow events was discussed and the Board of Directors made a commitment to follow up on the problem with Brig. Gen. Michael Bissell, VWIL Commandant.




No old business was brought to the meeting.




SMA-VWIL Initiative (William Bissett, SMA `74):


Mr. Bissett renewed the call for contributions to the SMA-VWIL Initiative, detailing how effective it has been in providing discretionary funding for the Virginia Women’s Institute for Leadership (VWIL) program. He encouraged all alumni to contribute whatever amount they can to the Initiative to continue its success, and reminded the alumni that the Initiative is another means through which the SMA Alumni Association can perpetuate the SMA legacy. Mr. Bissett was followed by Eugene K. Ehmann, SMA ’74 who echoed Mr. Bissett’s sentiments. Mr. Hunter W. Henry, Jr., SMA ’46 spoke regarding his experiences in providing assistance to VWIL students and other college students throughout the United States.


Staunton Bus Tour:


Alumni were briefed on the Staunton Trolley, which would be at the hotel at 12:00 Noon to take alumni and guests on a tour of the City of Staunton. The trolley was rented for the afternoon by Harry Bruckno, SMA ’62 and Elaine Bruckno.


6.      NOMINATIONS for 2005-2006 Board of Directors were voted upon and approved.


Donald W. Tobin, SMA `70          Three (3) years          
G. Richard Staunch, SMA `61     Three (3) years
Craig E. Hanson, SMA `74          Three (3) years
Mark J. Orr, SMA ’73               Three (3) years


7. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m. by C. David Litzenburg, President