April 2005 – Board Minutes

SMA Alumni Association (SMAAA) Board Minutes
Friday, April 1, 2005
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by C. David Litzenburg, President, asking for Roll Call.


C. David Litzenburg, SMA ’58                              John W. Hooser, SMA `73
Eugene K. Ehmann, SMA ’74                              John H. “Jack” Lowe, SMA `49
Brocky A. Nicely, SMA ’65                                   Mark J. Orr, SMA `73
Donald W. Tobin, SMA ’70                                   Thomas A. Davis, III, SMA `62
Thomas E. B. Phillips, SMA ’74                         Harry W. Bruckno, SMA ’62
John H. Dalbo, SMA ’68                                        Edmund A. Smith, SMA `76


     William J. Kearns, SMA ’74                                   Simon M. Painter, Jr., SMA ’58
     Stuart P. Smith, SMA ’48                                   Dr. Wilfred Webb, SMA ’61


Motion was made to accept the January 15, 2005 meeting minutes. There was no discussion or issues raised. The minutes were unanimously approved.






•     Donald W. Tobin, SMA ’70 was nominated for re-election to the Board of Directors.


•     G. Richard Staunch, SMA ’61 was nominated for a position on the Board of Directors.


•     Craig E. Hansen, SMA ’74 was nominated for election to replace Douglas Marsh, SMA ’74, who resigned as Secretary to the Board of Directors


•     Mark J. Orr, SMA ’73 was nominated for a new term as a member of the Museum Committee and as Chairman of the Website Committee


All nominations were approved for presentation at the annual business meeting on April 2, 2005.




The Treasurers Report reflecting the finances of the SMA Alumni Association and the SMA Foundation through March 2005 was reviewed by Thomas A. Davis, Treasurer. The SMA Foundation has total current assets of $89,301.34 and net fixed assets of $154,780.26 for total assets of$249,866.60. Total Foundation revenue as of March 31, 2005 was $20,931.71 against total expenses of $4,743.77, for a net income of $15,588.39.


     The SMA Alumni Association assets as of March 31, 2005 total $43,284.41, including $32,228.57 in cash, $2,518.84 in marketing inventory, and $100.00 in petty cash. Total current liabilities as of March 31, 2005 were $122.57 in payroll withholding. Revenue as of March 31, 2005 was $29,741.17, including $19,150.00 in dues payments, $2,167.10 in Cadet Store sales, $8,318.82 in reunion revenue, and $105.25 in interest income. Total expenses as of March 31, 2005 were $19,041.75, including $2,541.01 for wages, $1,254.09 for accounting, $2,030.00 for data entry, and $9,012.86 for publication of The Kablegram, $2,119.72 for postage. Net income as of March 31, 2005 was $6,516.81.


     The Treasurer’s Report was accepted by unanimous vote.




There were no legal issues to discuss.




     Reunion attendance and the schedule of events were discussed. As of the meeting, 88 SMA alumni were
registered with the possibility of additional walk-in registrations later Friday, April 1.  The total anticipated
banquet attendance was estimated at 200 alumni and guests, including 30 VWIL cadets.




•     SMA-VWIL Initiative: The status of the SMA-VWIL Initiative was discussed and it was determined that the
program would be continued by promotion through the fund drive and the quarterly issues of The Kablegram.


•     Scholarship Fund: The SMA Alumni Association Leadership Scholarship Fund was discussed and it was decided that the program would be promoted throughout 2005 and 2006 in an effort to raise the fund to the $50,000 level so that it will be a perpetual $2,500 award.


•     Museum: Lack of consistent staffing of the SMA-VWIL Museum by VWIL cadets was discussed and it was
decided that the issue would again be presented to Brig. Gen. Michael Bissell, VWIL Commandant. Also
discussed was the need for additional mannequins and resolution of the water leak problem during rain and
snow events in Staunton.




•     Douglas A. Marsh, SMA `58 resigned from the Board of Directors, indicating that health issues would not allow him to perform his secretarial duties and be fully involved. His resingation was accepted with regret.
•     John Lucy, SMA ’76 asked that he be relieved  of Board of Directors responsibilities due to health issues
affecting himself and his wife. The resignation was accepted with regret.
•     Kable Legion of Honor: The re-established Kable Legion of Honor will be awarded at the SMA-VWIL Review at 4:00 p.m., to First Captain Mei Ling Fye. Appreciation was expressed to Thomas E. B. Phillips, SMA ’74 for his participation in the selection process. The criteria were review and it was agreed that only when the Kable Legion of Honor Committee (VWIL Director, VWIL Commandant and one representative of the SMA Alumni Association Board of Directors) recommends a candidate will the award be made.
•     Kablegram: It was determined that four (4) issues of The Kablegram would be published between April 1, 2005 and March 31, 2006. It was noted that the newsletter is the most effective means of communication between the association and the membership.


     The meeting was adjourned at 11:18 a.m.