April 2004 – Board Minutes

SMA Alumni Association (SMAAA) Board Minutes
Friday, April 2, 2004


1. The meeting was called to order by William J. Kearns, President, at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, April 2, 2004 at the SMA-VWIL Museum, Staunton, Virginia.


William J. Kearns, SMA ’74 – President
Thomas A. Davis, SMA ’62 – Treasurer
Thomas E. B. Phillips, SMA ’74
Eugene K. Ehmann, SMA ’74 – Secretary
Donald W. Tobin, SMA ’70
C. David Litzenburg, SMA `58
Brocky A. Nicely, SMA ’65
Stuart P. Smith, SMA ’48
John Hooser, Jr. SMA ’73
C. David Litzenburg, SMA ’58 – Vice President
John C. Lucy, III, SMA ’76
John H. (Jack) Lowe, SMA ’49
Dominick A. (Jack) Dalbo, SMA 68


     Mark J. Orr, SMA `73
Reading of the October 2003 SMAAA Board Minutes was waived and the Minutes as published were unanimously accepted.




The Treasurers Report reflecting the finances of the SMA Alumni Association and the SMA Foundation through March 2004 was reviewed by Thomas A. Davis, Treasurer. The SMA Foundation has total current assets of $77,431.05 and net fixed assets of $172,256.70 for total assets of$249,687.75. Total Foundation revenue as of March 31, 2004 was $25,651.66 against total expenses of $5,458.75, for a net income of $20,192.91.
The SMA Alumni Association assets as of March 31, 2004 total $46,305.45, including $43,686.61 in cash, $2,518.84 in marketing inventory, and $100.00 in petty cash. Total current liabilities as of March 31, 2004 were $77.13 in payroll withholding. Revenue as of March 31, 2004 was $31,029.62, including $23,040.00 in dues payments, $1,150.45 in Cadet Store sales, $6,683.00 in reunion revenue, and $156.17 in interest income. Total expenses as of March 31, 2004 were $18,818. 17, including $2,469.55 for wages, $909.20 for accounting, $1,635.00 for data entry, $5,677.24 for publication of The Kablegram, $3,671.91 for postage, $200.55 for internet, $1,379.56 for reunion expenses, and $1,875.16 in other expenses. Net income was $12,211.46.
Mr. Davis recommended that $1,200.00 be kept in the Memorial Fund for maintenance of the World War I monument. It was decided that contributions to the SMA-VWIL Initiative would be specifically marked as such and would result in a direct contribution to the Virginia Women’s Institute for Leadership as opposed to incorporating those contributions into the Scholarship Fund. Mr. Davis noted that the Scholarship Fund currently contains $26,482.20.
Mr. Davis reported that dues income for the period 2003-2004 increased almost 24% to $23,040.00, from the same period in 2002-2003. Reunion income for the 2003-2004 period increased also from the same period in 2002-2003.
     The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously accepted.


Expanded scholarship program recommended in the April 2003 business meeting and discussed in the subsequent Board of Directors meeting. Originated by Eugene Ehmann, SMA ’74. The Board of Directors discussed the SMA-VWIL Initiative and its potential impact on the Virginia Women’s Institute for Leadership (VWIL). It was noted that conversations with VWIL officials indicated that no further scholarships (other than the one currently funded by the SMA Alumni Association and those funded by Hunter W. Henry, Jr., SMA ’46) were needed. Instead the need was more of a cash contribution to VWIL to supplement Commonwealth of Virginia funding.
Reinstatement of the Kable Legion of Honor. Recommended by William Louisell, SMA ’46. The time constraints of the meeting did not permit discussion of this item. Mr. Litzenburg indicated that he would follow up with several board members during the reunion and would recommend action to the full Board of Directors by e-mail and regular mail following the reunion.


SMA-VWIL Initiative (William J. Kearns, SMA ’74). This matter was discussed under Old Business. See 4a above.
Number of issues of The Kablegram in 2004-2005 (C. David Litzenburg, SMA ’58). Three recommended – May 2004, October 2004, February 2005. $2,500 per issue including printing, bulk mail processing and postage. The Board of Directors approved four (4) issues: May 2004, September 2004, December 2004, and February 2005.
Dates for the 2005 reunion (C. David Litzenburg, SMA ’58). First weekend in April 2005. The dates of April 1-2, 2005 were approved by the Board of Directors, pending coordination with VWIL and the Holiday Inn Golf and Conference Center. Thomas E.B. Phillips, SMA ’74 will make the contact with VWIL.
Revision of the Memorial Wall Plaque Policy (Brocky Nicely, SMA ’65). The policy was discussed and the revised policy approved by the Board of Directors. The revised policy will be forwarded to Mark J. Orr, SMA ’73 for posting on the SMAAA web site and the changes in the policy will be published in either the May 2004 or September 2004 Kablegram.
The following will be nominated at the annual meeting to serve terms beginning September 1, 2004:
Thomas A. Davis, SMA ’62          Three (3) years          Nominated to continue as Treasurer
Brocky A. Nicely, SMA ’65          Three (3) years          Nominated to be Chairman, Museum Committee
John Hooser, SMA ’73               Two (2) years
Douglas Marsh, SMA ’58               Three (3) years          Nominated to be Secretary
Dr. Wilfred Webb, SMA ’61          Two (2) years          Nominated to be Chaplain          
Simon M. Painter, Jr., SMA ’58     Two (2) years          Nominated to be Chairman, Legal Committee
Harry W. Bruckno, SMA ’62          Two (2) years
Edmund A. Smith, SMA ’76          Three (3) years


7. The meeting was adjourned by the President at 3:15 p.m.