April 2003 – Board Minutes

SMA Alumni Association (SMAAA) Board Minutes
Friday, April 4, 2003


1. The meeting was called to order by Kearns, President, at 1:34 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2003 at the SMA-VWIL Museum, Staunton, Virginia.


Board members present:
Bill Kearns, ’74 – President
Tom A. Davis, ’62 – Treasurer
Tom Phillips, ’74
Gene K. Ehmann, ’74
Don W. Tobin, ’70
Brocky Nicely, ’65
Board members not present:
John Hooser, ’73
John Lucy
Jack Lowe
Bill Leeman
Dave Litzenburg, ’58 – Vice President
Mark Orr, ’73 – Secretary


2. The July 2002 SMAAA Board Minutes were reviewed and unanimously accepted.


3. The Treasurers Report reflecting the finances of the Association and Foundation through March 2003 were reviewed by Tom Davis and unanimously accepted.


4. Presidents Report


The board discussed the prospect of becoming more closely aligned with the VWIL program, to include a major fundraising effort for the purpose, among other things, of providing perpetuity to the SMA Leadership scholarship. Gene Ehmann will head the fundraising effort.


The board also identified the need to ensure that adequate funds are available to operate the museum. Tom Davis will develop a budget.


5. Nominations


The following will be nominated at the annual meeting to serve three-year terms beginning Sept. 1, 2003:


Jack Dalbo
Gene Ehmann
Bill Kearns
Tom Phillips


The following will be nominated at the annual to serve two-year terms beginning Sept. 1, 2003:


Stu Smith
Don Tobin


With Alvan Arnall’s resignation and Bill Leeman retiring, total board headcount will remain at 12.


The following slate will be offered:


Bill Kearns, ’74 – President
Dave Litzenburg, ’58 – Vice President
Gene Ehmann, ’74 – Secretary
Tom Davis, ’65 -Treasurer


6. Unfinished Business: Formal committee reports were deferred due to time constraints.


7. New Business: None.


8. The meeting was adjourned by the President at 2:40 p.m