April 2002 – Board Minutes

SMA Alumni Association (SMAAA) Board Minutes
Friday, April 12, 2002
1. The meeting was called to order by Tom Phillips, President, at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, April 12, 2002.  Location – SMA-VWIL Museum, Staunton, Virginia.
Board members present:
Tom E. Phillips, `74 – President
Tom A. Davis, `62 – Treasurer
Mark J. Orr, `73 – Secretary
Alvan Arnall, `56
Jack Dalbo, `68
Bill A. Leeman, `50
Brocky Nicely, `65
Don W. Tobin, `70
Also attending:
Fred C. Thompson – Executive Director
Doris Thompson – SMAAA Office Manager
Jack Lowe, `58
Board members not present:
Stuart P. Smith, `48 – Vice President
Fred C. Burner, `68
Gene K. Ehmann, `74
John Hooser, `73
Bill J. Kearns, `74
Bob Parrino, `75
Kit A. Regone, `64
2. The February SMAAA Board Minutes were reviewed and unanimously accepted.
3. Treasurer’s Report – Tom Davis
a. GE Stock – the two donated GE stock gifts were added to the Museum Fund at their respective gift receipt values.
b. Walk of Honor – over 110 bricks have been purchased to date. This is a sufficient number required to proceed with the installation of first section of the walkway.  Tom reported that he will order the bricks.
c. Income Statement – Tom reviewed a revised, more simplified version of the Income Statement.
d. Tax Exempt Status – Discussion on tax exempt status of SMA Alumni Association, Inc. vs. SMA Foundation, Inc. ACTION: After April 15th,, Tom Phillips and Tom Davis will press ahead with feasibility of consolidating all SMA Alumni Association activities under the SMA Foundation, Inc as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt corporate entity.
e. Salary Status – The back-pay status of Fred & Doris Thompson, SMAAA Executive Director and SMAAA Office Manager respectively, was reviewed.  ACTION: Tom Phillips & Tom Davis took action to resolve back pay due.
f. 2001 Taxes – Tom Davis and Fred Thompson reported that the Federal Income Tax forms for 2001 have been filed for both the SMA Alumni Association, Inc. and the SMA Foundation, Inc.
g. New Bank Accounts – Tom Davis reported that new bank accounts have been established at First Bank & Trust, Staunton, VA.
h. Motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Reported.  Report was unanimously accepted by BoD members present.
4. Committee Reports:
a. Executive Director – Fred Thompson
Reunion 2003 – the dates have changed from 4-5 April 2003 to 11-12 April 2003. This was done to coincide with VWIL schedule to provide a special “SMA Alumni Review” parade by the VWIL Corps of cadets on Friday, 11 April at 4:00 p.m.. The reunion headquarters will remain the Holiday Inn Golf and Conference Center.
Cadet Store – the store orders have kept Fred & Doris busy, but it is worth it. More coffee mugs are needed, but future orders should be without dates (e.g., 2001, 2002) listed to preserve shelf life.
b. Reunion Committee – Tom Phillips
Proposed agenda was reviewed. Tom Phillips reported that Maj Gen William C. Louisell, Jr., son of former SMA Commandant Louisell, will be the guest speaker at the dedication of the SMA Memorial Wall on Saturday, 27 July.
SMA Banquet will include a Silent Auction and a 50-50 ticket raffle as fund raisers for the Assn.
This years reunion will recognize the Honor Classes ending in a “2” or a “7” from 1927 to 1972.  Mark Orr suggested that attendees from each Honor Class be asked to stand at the banquet and that class pictures be taken.
Issue was discussed about lack of scheduled activities for spouses and family members on Saturday morning and afternoon.  All agreed that in the past this has been a problem.  Tom Phillips observed, however, that the schedule this year was pretty full, but we should look at it for next year.  Jack Lowe accepted an action to investigate various options for the Reunion 2003 Committee to consider.
c. Memorabilia – Jack Dalbo
Jack Dalbo handed-over to Brocky Nicely all the information he had on manufacturer sources for obtaining new/replacement memorabilia.
The continuing saga of the “storage shed” contents was again discussed. ACTION: Jack Dalbo and Brocky Nicely accepted an action to empty the shed during one Saturday this summer.  Anything that is of value will be sold as part of the Reunion Silent Auction, given away or thrown away.  The Association can no longer sustain the rental fees charged for the shed when the contents are viewed by many involved to be of little value or use.
Bill Leeman: WashDC/Nva SMA Mtg
      1) Called 100, talked to 60, 8-12 came.  Confirmed interest by those contacted.
d. Scholarship – Tom Phillips
The SMA Foundation awarded its 2002 annual $1,000 scholarship to VWIL cadet Littlejohn at a VWIL award ceremony on 12 April. The scholarship was presented by Tom Phillips. Of note: Cadet Littlejohn is an Air Force ROTC member and has been selected as the 1st Captain of the VWIL Corps next year. Mark Orr requested a picture be obtained and provided for use in the next Kablegram and on the SMAAA web site.
e. Museum Committee – Brocky Nicely
Brocky reported that the museum has been manned by VWIL cadets and SMA alumni volunteers’ everyday it has been scheduled for operation.  
We are loaning a few SMA museum items for a small display at the Woodrow Wilson birthplace.  In return, the WW museum has offered to provide the SMA Museum an original vintage SMA cadet desk for the barracks room mock-up display.
The SMA-VWIL Museum was used by VWIL to host a military reception for visiting military officers, including Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF), General Jumper.
Brocky Nicely reported that he has obtained acid-free boxes for the storage of SMA Archive materials and museum display items not currently being displayed.
Visitor Center display.
f. Memorial Wall – Mark Orr, Brocky Nicley
New MW plaque nominations for CY2002 were submitted to and approved by the BoD: Enslow, McCampbell, Goldwater.
The SMA Memorial Wall centerpiece plaque “The Ultimate Sacrifice”, developed by Larry Perkins, ’51, arrived from the foundry.  It weighs 278lbs. Brocky is coordinating with local talent to have it installed on the wall.
Landscape Project – Jack Lowe provide a project proposal overview of a revised landscaping project in front of the SMA-VWIL Memorial Wall, which utilizes and incorporates the original SMA eagle (from above the North Barracks entrance), the SMA keystone and the original gates from South Barracks.  This will be a joint project between SMAAA and VWIL.  Jack reported that if the funds were made available, the project could be completed in time for the reunion in July.
1) Overall project cost estimate: $20,000.  Cost share will be split between SMAAA and VWIL as follows: SMAAA – $15,000 and VWIL – $4,500.
2) Mark Orr made a motion to utilize $15K from the existing restricted plaque fund of $24K and replace those funds with an equivalent amount when the donated GE Stock shares are eventually sold.  In the interim, that will leave $6,000 in the plaque fund for future plaques purchases over the next several years.  The rest of the GE Stock shares will be used to support the museum. The motion was seconded and carried.
5. New Business Items:
a. McCampbell Prints
Mark Orr reported that he had located a new source for purchase of the David McCampbell prints, “Unlucky Seven” and “Minsi III” for the SMA Museum display honoring Captain David McCampbell.  
1) The “Unlucky Seven” print is a signed, limited edition print, normally selling for $150-175, but this source was willing to sell it to the SMA Museum for $75.  The “Minsi III” print was available for $10.   
2) Mark recommended that both prints be purchased and that he would have them framed for display.  The BoD approved the purchase of both prints. ACTION: Mark Orr to purchase the prints and have framed.
b. Jack – Keystone plaque wording.
c. Highway Historical Marker Plaque Project
Mark Orr reviewed a new project proposal to request a SMA historical highway marker from the Virginia Historical Society.  The project will cost $1,125.00 and must be approved by the state.  Goal is to have the marker made and installed this fall.
1) Draft sign text was reviewed and approved.
2) Project proposal was unanimously approved by SMAAA BoD for go ahead.
d. Board of Directors Elections – six openings
Nominating Committee: Bill Leeman, Gene Ehmann, Jack Dalbo
1) Jack Lowe was asked and accepted a nomination to become a BoD member.